Second Sunday in Lent, 2-28-2021
We resumed worship in person today. We hope that you will join in this worship.
We resumed worship in person today. We hope that you will join in this worship.
As we travel our Lenten journey, let us remember that our fasts are an expression of our thanksgiving and to help us grow our faith and trust in Jesus.
This service offers the distribution of ashes and Holy Communion. Please have available some ash or clean soil and also bread and wine/grape juice or water if you plan on participating. With Ash Wednesday we begin our walk through Lent.
Welcome to the worship service on Sunday, February 14, 10am. We had someone new filming the service this week and the service filmed sideways. please turn your screen on its end. Our Ash Wednesday service will be posted Wednesday evening, 2-17-21 at 7:30pm
This service was actually recorded on February 6, and after some issues with posting it on Facebook, thankfully it is available for us. Hymns & text are reprinted under the following license: #A-714041. From Sundays and Copyright 2021 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Read more…